

What is lanuge?

Updated: 10/20/2022
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9y ago

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The method of human communication, either spoken or written, consisting of the use of words in a structured and conventional way.

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Q: What is lanuge?
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What is the worlds most common lanuge?

Mandarin Chinese is spoken by the most people, English is the most spoken worldwide.

Why is it a bad idea to use inappropriate language on social networks?

its bad to use bad lanuge because u can be banned

Why is it a bad idea to use inappropriate language on social networking sites?

its bad to use bad lanuge because u can be banned

What is the most popular lanuge in Poland?

The most commonly spoken language in Poland is Polish, at 97.8 percent. It is also the official language of the nation.

What did mrs Keller think of her decision to let Helen live with Anne Sullivan?

she wanted her to learn more sign lanuge so she would learn more if there always with her

Can you take a newborn from another country and teach it the American lanuge without their accent?

Yes. It is also possible to take someone who has already learned a language and teach them to speak English with an American accent.

What lanuge did Robert E. Lee speak?

English, with a southern accent typical of Virginians, most likely. NEW RESPONDENT. Lee knew also classic Greek, Latin, French and Spanish very well.

What is sms when send switch-off that mobile?

this SMS is not simple text, it is written text in C++ lanuge specifically Carbide C++. not every mobile can tackle this and understand the code inside to turn off. only those mobile are turned off, whom softwares were left for further improvement like NOKIA 1100, 1110, 1112 and etc Hope u'll be satisfied......hello how r u ?

Where did the name marijuana come from?

it came from way back in the 1930's. at the time some offcials were trying to make it illegal and they needed to attach a stigma to it so they could make it seem bad. hence the words dope, pot just sounds dirty and really bad like "dope wow that sounds bad man" so they used marijuana which comes from a latin lanuge and we are not usted to that so we get scared of it. so basicaly made up to place a bad stigma on it.