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Q: What is jet tea?
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What words can you spell from the letters j a t e?

jet /ate /tea /eat

Where to buy jet tea products like Jet Extreme Peach Smoothie?

You can buy them on, or So far, that's the only place I've found them.

Does Jet Li die at the end of the movie Fearless?

Yes, the Japanese poisioned him with what looked like tea during a martial arts competition.

What are words you can make from the word adjectives?

jet, jive, ad, cat, tide, tides, jets, cats, ads, jives, it, is, tea, sad, i've, tad.

What word can you make with the letters oefjatu?

Auto, fate, feat, aft, ate, eat, fat, foe, jet, jot, oaf, oat, out, tea, toe, at, of, to.

How many seats are there in a jet aircraft?

it depends on what kind of jet it is. 737 jet: 200 747 jet: 500 757 jet: 280 767 jet: 290 777 jet: 550 787 jet: 350

What types of tea is there?

White tea. Green tea. Oolong tea. Black tea. Rooibos tea. Mate tea. Herbal tea. and more.

What are the lyrics to Jett?

Jet, Jet, Jet I can almost remember their funny faces That time you told them you were going to be marrying soon And Jet, I thought the only lonely place was on the moon Jet, Jet, Jet Was your father as bold as the sergeant major? Well how come he told you that you were hardly old enough yet? And Jet, I thought the major was a lady suffragette Jet, Jet Ah Mater want Jet to always love me Ah Mater want Jet to always love me Ah Mater, much later Jet And Jet, I thought the major was a little lady suffragette Jet, Jet Ah Mater want Jet to always love me Ah Mater want Jet to always love me Ah Mater, much later Jet With the wind in your hair of a thousand laces Climb on the back and we'll go for a ride in the sky And Jet, I thought that the major was a little lady suffragette Jet, Jet And Jet, you know I thought you was a little lady suffragette Jet A little lady My little lady, yes, oh!

What horse ran last in 1947 derby?

Jet Jet (I bet on the wrong jet. Jet Pilot won it.

Why are jet engines used for jets?

There is no actual answer, because a jet is called a jet because it has at least one jet engine.

Who is older jet or cord?

jet is older. jet is 30 and cord is 29

Is the Concorde a jet?

The Concorde was a jet. It is no longer being made or used.