omar stitches footballs at home because these days football tournaments have been started and he need to stitch mor football so he is stitching the rest footballs at home.
A football's shape looks a lot like an oval, except with pointed ends to help it fly through the air. The traditional footballs are made of pig leather, thus the nick-name "Pigskin", though a lot of moderen footballs are made of synthetic leather or foam. A football is traditionally brown with white stitching on it, but footballs today come in a wide variety of colors and graphics.
It looks like footballs.
His father is dead and his mother's eye sight is depleting so he is the only person who can work in his house :-( also he only gets 50p a ball maximum! :-(
like 200yards people
no, nfl footballs are a little larger than ncaa footballs
they like to eat grass footballs basketbslls and humans balls
Early footballs began as animal bladders that would easily fall apart if kicked too much. As time went on footballs developed to what they look like today. This was possible with the help of people like Charles Goodyear, who introduced rubber and his discoveries of vulcanization to the design of footballs. Today, technological research is ongoing to develop footballs with improved performance.
footballs aren't green, they are usually brown.
A Xanax bar is 2mg. Xanax that are shaped like footballs come in 3 strengths 0.25mg, 0.5mg, or 1 mg.