Prospect Elementry School is ranked the number 1 school through out Elyria Ohio
There are several culinary arts schools in Ohio. The following cities have such programs. The number in parenthesis indicates the number of schools. Vermilion (1), Columbus (3), Chesterland (3), Mason (1), Canton (1), Cincinnati (4), Goshen (1), Westlake (1)
The phone number of the Friends Of Cornell School is: 740-967-7113.
The phone number of Keystone High School in LaGrange, Ohio is 440-355-5132. Their middle and elementary schools can be contacted with similar phone numbers, only changing the very last digit (the 2) to a 3 for the middle school and to a 4 for the elementary school.
1 Elder High School (cincinnati ohio)
The telephone number is 1-800-633-4766
1.Sean Gooden
There are a number of choices for welding schools. I recommend the Lincoln Electric Welding School in Ohio.
Cleaveland is Ohio's largest school district with 75,684 students.
Ohio State with 5
Jeffery went to school at Bath, Ohio. At Revere High School.