hitting is when you dont volley properply for example its called lifting or hitting use your finger tips and DO NOT USE YOUR PALMS push the ball of from your finger tips
hitting also counts in when your not doing any of the requirments (eg. spikeing,bumping,volleying, serveing etc.)
happy to help
Double-hitting the ball.
hitting the ball on an intended spot
volleyball clinics are like practices and they review everything serving, passing, hitting, blockingg
Passing, Setting, and Spiking/Hitting.
You have to be very strong in volleyball because, you have to do a lot of hitting over the net and across the whole Court!
Only for hitting. They are on the sides of your back.
the all have to do with a ball . volleyball and handball are similar because you are hitting the ball. Basketball and volleyball are the same because you have to make a goal. baketball in the hoop volleyball over the net
a double hit.
a dink... is like hitting the ball lightly over net.
hitting a ball back and forth over a net
hitting a ball back and forth over a net
A six-pack in volleyball usually entails hitting the ball into another persons abdomen, thus, the six-pack.