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Cute trivia question. The problem is that you haven't spelled out the rules. Is a team considered based in the state in it's name or where it plays or where it's front office and practice facilities are. The two New York City teams both play in the Meadowlands, which is in New Jersey. In reality, New York City has no pro football teams. This greatly impacts the calculation since they COULD be in the same state as the Buffalo Bills for the purposes of your question, even though they actually aren't. But wait, it gets worse. The "Washington" Redskins play in Maryland, are based in Virginia, but have the District of Columbia as the city on their name. But the district isn't a state! I have no idea how many other teams have this problem, but with some of the cities being right near the borders of other states, I suspect there's more than just these three. Once you figure out the rules, get out a map and count.

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