Air Cleaner as in Cabin Air Cleaner? If you're talking that then its right behind the glove box.
You can use a hairdryer or set it on a windowsill. The window magnifies the sun's light and heat so it will dry it quick without using electricity. It will work even better if you have a wooden windowsill that is brown or black. They have a lower albedo, (reflection of heat). I personally suggest the windowsill because it is eco-friendly!
The answer to the riddle "What has four fingers and one thumb but is not alive" is a glove.
It is a glove
Glove Compartment
The plural form of glove is gloves.
She put on her leather glove before stepping outside into the cold.
There is no code to get you a glove. You have to trade or buy a glove.
A glove toss is tossing the baseball to its destination using only the glove
The possessive form of the noun glove is glove's.example: There is a tear in the glove's lining.