Gaining control of a missed shot is called a rebound. Rebounds are important on both offense and defense in order to gain, or maintain possession of the ball.
When one player grabs the ball after a missed shot in basketball it is called a rebound. The offensive orÊdefensive player can get a rebound.
When one grabs the ball after a missed shot in Basketball they have rebounded the ball.
airball or a fail
When one grabs the ball after a missed shot in Basketball they have rebounded the ball.
Not pregnant.
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They missed the tournament in 2010. Prior to that they missed in 2003.
It shouldn't have any effect on your periods. You could be under stress or if you are between the ages of 12 - 16 it's not uncommon to miss several periods. If you go on the birth control pill this can cause this as well and it can happen if you go off the birth control pill. If it continues please see your doctor.
caused from prenacy or birth control
Only if they make it. If they make it; it counts as a field goal attempt and a field goal make. If it is missed, it does not count as a missed field goal.