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Q: What is full body contact in football?
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The DC Divas are a Full Contact Women's professional football team.

How is the skill of tackling in soccer different from tackling in football?

American football is a full-contact sport in which tackling essentially involves physical contact. In soccer however, tackling is supposed to be achieved through minimum physical contact and skill alone.

How is the skill of tackling soccer different from tackling in football?

American football is a full-contact sport in which tackling essentially involves physical contact. In soccer however, tackling is supposed to be achieved through minimum physical contact and skill alone.

Does full contact youth rugby or Gaelic football exist in the Boston area?

Boston, England? Yes it does. Both also exist for Boston, Massachusetts. For Gaelic football, see

Full form of FIFA in English?

FIFA in English stands for the Federation International Football Association, the governing body of soccer/football, futsal and beach soccer.

In flag football can the linemen block on a running play?

A blocker can not initiate contact. Their arms must not extend away from the body.

What are rules you can use for elementary age students to use for the game of football that can be played at recess?

Full contact, if they get hurt .. or die... it's their fault :)

Is Soccer a contact sport?

Yes. Contesting for the ball does involve some degree of contact which is tolerated; however, association football is not a full-contact or collision sport. Soccer is most definetly a contact sport.. It may not be as contact as football where you tackle people but in soccer there is slide tackling. I have played soccer for 11 years and have had many injuries because it is such a contact sport but I am a goalie, so it is so much more contact for me than most positions. Hope that helped! :)

Which is heavier- football with full air or with no air?

A football with no air is heavier than a football with full air because the air adds buoyancy and makes it lighter.

What is standard for college football clothing?

The standard for college football clothing in the padding that is necessary for the protection of the players. College football clothing is not different from the professional football clothing or even the little league athletic wear for the contact sport. The helmet is also a standard addition to the college football clothing. But, basically, it is the extra padding that is required to protect the body from injury that could occur in a contact sport such as football that validates the proper wear for the sport.

When was Full Contact created?

Full Contact was created on 1992-07-23.

What is more physical gridiron or rugby?

Answer. Gridiron has less contact than rugby union or league. It is a more basic one dimensional sport designed for lesser athletes who struggled at Football or rugby union/league. ----------------------- Rugby,we don't need to wear all that padding to play a full on contact sport,same as rugby league,full on contact