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It is a feature on a hopper that allows it to know if there are any paintballs in the feed stack (the tube that goes into the gun) and feeds them in automatically if there aren't.

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Q: What is feed stack monitoring?
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How often do horses eat hay?

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Most of us shuffle paper to introduce a bit of air between the sheets. This air lets the paper sheets shift some with respect to each other, and we can then get them "lined up" by grasping the stack of papers and tapping the stack on an edge. In commercial printing, a stack of paper is sometimes called a lift of paper, and the pressman will fan the lift of paper to line it up before loading it into the in-feed end of a press. The printer fans that lift of paper to get it to line up and them stacks it on the in-feed table.

What is implicit stack?

A stack created by the user or a programmer is an implicit stack

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Stack pointer points to the topmost / most recently referenced location on the stack; - Nutan

How much in a stack?

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How do you use the word stack in a sentence?

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What has the author Gael Stack written?

Gael Stack has written: 'Gael Stack' 'Gael Stack' -- subject(s): Themes, motives

Can stack be as a pointer?

A stack is a data structure in which last item inserted is taken out first . That's why they are known as LIFO (last in first out). Inserting an item in stack is termed as push and taking an item out from stack I s termed as pop. Stack pointer is the pointer that points to the top of the stack or that points the item at the top of the stack and help in adding or deleting the item from the top of stack.

The paper feed in a copying machine has room for a stack of paper 4.0 cm highif 10 sheets of paper are 0.08 cm thick how many sheets will fit?


How is the stack and stack pointer work?

A stack is a data structure in which last item inserted is taken out first . That's why they are known as LIFO (last in first out). Inserting an item in stack is termed as push and taking an item out from stack I s termed as pop. Stack pointer is the pointer that points to the top of the stack or that points the item at the top of the stack and help in adding or deleting the item from the top of stack.