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to don't touch the ball unless your the goalie and you have to use the heel of your foot to keep the ball on tack and use your toes or top part to kick

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Q: What is evwerything you need to know about socer?
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if you want legendry there are few hybrids will breed him are pirate+socer or socer +pirate for legendry for crystal cool fire and gummy + gummy+coolfire for wind breed socer+gummy or mummy+socer for mirror breed pirate + socer or socer+pirate

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there r 229 international socer team and if u want to know there rating by the best socer team to the worest go to this link

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the worlds best sport is football or as Americans call it socer every part in the world plays socer.

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Is socer the best sport in the world or not?

By "socer" I believe you mean "soccer" and to whether or not soccer is the best sport in the world it is based ultimately on personal opinion.

Where socer started?

soccer orinated from china

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bobby charlton

Where did socer originate from?

Soccer originated from China unbelievable.

How do you make legendary dragon?

breed coolfire and socer dragon