Theory that states dust and clouds condensed to form the sun and the planets by gravitational means
The dust cloud theory was proposed by Fred Whipple in 1950. This theory suggests that comets are made up of icy bodies surrounded by a cloud of dust and gas.
The dust cloud theory, which suggests that the solar system formed from a rotating disk of gas and dust, was proposed by Russian astrophysicist Viktor Safronov in the 1960s. He published his ideas in his book "Evolution of the Protoplanetary Cloud and Formation of the Earth and Planets."
The dust cloud theory was first proposed by astronomers Fred Whipple and Jan Oort in the 1950s. They suggested that comets originate from a cloud of icy bodies located at the outer reaches of the solar system, now known as the Oort Cloud.
Three different individuals created the dust cloud theory between 1940 and 1955 . These individuals are Carl F.Von Weizsaccker, Gerald P. Kuiper, and Harold C. Urey.
The answer is Nebular Theory
a dust cloud
The dust-cloud theory proposed that Earth's Moon formed from debris ejected into space when a Mars-sized object collided with Earth early in its history. The debris formed a disk around Earth which eventually coalesced to form the Moon. This theory is supported by evidence such as the similar isotopic composition of Earth and Moon rocks.
The theory you are referring to is known as the "interstellar cloud theory" or the "capture theory." This theory suggests that a passing star disrupted a nearby interstellar cloud of gas and dust, causing material to be pulled into the forming Sun, leading to the birth of our solar system.
A nebula.
The formation of the solar system from a huge cloud of dust and gases is called solar nebular hypothesis. This theory suggests that a rotating disk of gas and dust collapsed under its own gravity, forming the Sun and planets.
A Cloud of Red Dust was created on 1997-10-06.
the big bang theroy