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The difference between soccer (otherwise known as "football" to many) and football (otherwise known as "American football" to many), is basically the whole way the two sports are played.

While the objective, like many sports, is to score more points than the opposing team, the way the points are scored are vastly different.

In soccer, by getting the ball into the opposing teams net using nothing but one's feet or head is basically how all points are scored. In football, getting the ball to break the plane of the end zone (touchdown) by carefully moving up the field is basically how a majority of points are scored.

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Australian football is a game of constant action. You have to think on your feet as you try to advance the ball toward the opponent's goalposts. Teams score by kicking the ball between two goalposts, for 6 points. Teams can also score a "behind" by kicking the ball between one of the central goalposts and a shorter post to either side. Behinds count for 1 point. The ball is advanced either by running the ball, passing it (forward or backward) to a teammate, or kicking it to a teammate.

American football is a game of slow, deliberate strategy, with short bursts of action happening on scripted plays. Teams score by moving the ball into the opponent's end zone for 6 points, after which they get the option to add a conversion by kicking the ball over the crossbar of the goalposts (1 point) or advancing the ball back into the end zone (2 points). Teams can also score field goals, worth 3 points, by kicking the ball over the crossbar during a play from scrimmage. A rare score, called a safety, is worth 2 points and happens when a team loses its ball out of its own end zone, is tackled in its own end zone, steps out of bounds from its own end zone while in possession of the ball, or commits a penalty in its own end zone. The points are awarded to the defending team.

Teams advance the ball toward the opponent's end of the field by either running with the ball or throwing it forward to a teammate. In American football, the ball is advanced either by running the ball or passing it to a teammate. Only one forward pass is allowed per play, and it must be taken from behind the line of scrimmage (which is where the play began).

Both are full-contact sports, allowing for tackling of the ball carrier.

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13y ago

in American football they where padding gear and helmets and in Aussie rules they don't need too. Also in Australian football they kick the ball and in American football they throw and kick. And American football is way more violent than Australian rules. In Australian football the field is shaped like an oval in American football a rectangle. And in American football the goalpost is a wierd shape in Australian football it is just 4 posts.The rules are different too because American football is about scoring points by adavncing the ball into the endzones in Australian football they kick it between the four posts.Also in Australian football the ball is smaller and rounder than an American football and an American football is bigger and pointed.Also in American football there are loads of penalties.

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13y ago

Their fields are measured in meters instead of yards. And i do believe that results in the field being 10 or 20 yards longer. But I do know in Canada the endzones are 20 yards instead of our 10

American football is played on a field of 100 yards with end zones on either end measuring 10 yards each. The width of the field is 53 yards. There are 11 players on defense and offense. Points for a touchdown is 6 and they get one chance to either score an extra point with a kick or two extra points by running or throwing the ball into the end zone again. A field goal can be kicked for 3 points and a safety counting for two points can be scored by tackling a player in their own end zone. There are four quarters, 15 minutes each. Time does not tick off constantly but can stop for many reasons such as an incomplete pass, running out of bounds or calling time out. Time in an American football game counts down to zero. European football is not called football in the United States, it is called soccer. Soccer also has eleven players but both offensive and defensive players are on the field together. A goal is at each end of a field or pitch usually measuring somewhere between 90 and 120 meters long and 45 to 90 meters wide. It cannot be square. Each time the ball goes in the goal, a point is scored. Goalies or keepers are the only ones allowed to use their hands. Time in a soccer match counts up starting at zero going up to 90 minutes with two 45 minute halfs. Extra time due to injuries or disruption is decided near the end of the match and time continues to run past the 90 minute limit. Both professional football and pro soccer can end in a tie. That's the only similarity I can think of.

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11y ago

American football is sanctioned by the NFL, National Football League and is vastly different from British Football. In America, British Football is called soccer which involves moving the ball across the field without using your hands. American Football uses an oval ball that can be thrown, tossed or kicked across the field to the goal post. British Football uses a net instead of a post to score a goal.

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11y ago

American football is basically Rugby, English football is a lot better and you play.

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14y ago

American Soccer is popular as it is in England, so they are far less experienced then those who play in premier league, the rules are exactly the same.

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12y ago

American football is thrown, international football is played like soccer

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