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Q: What is ctistiano ronaldo doing on free time?
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He is playing chess

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Jerry Spinelli liked to collect ants during his free time!

Birthday Christiano ronaldo?

=Cristiano Ronaldo's birthday is on the 5th of February i think around that time anyway.=

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catching fun

Who is the tournament's all-time scorer?

The BIG ronaldo.

What did children doing in their free time during the great depression?

i don't even know

Did ronaldo win any awards?

Yes, Cristiano Ronaldo had won lots of award during his time at Manchester United FC. :)

How can your free time make significant?

If you are buy with you job the entire day and you find free time, then its good you take time to relax yourself. There are so many things people can do. In my case, whenever i find some free time, i see i make use of it in doing what i really love doing. So, Whatever you do, make sure you make the best use of time. Live life to the fullest.

How does a typical Russian spend their free time during the day?

russians spend their time by doing work around the house.