base-2 : 111 = 7(base-10) base-3: 222 = 26(base-10) base-4: 333 = 33(base-10) base-5: 444 = 124(base-10) base-6: 555 = 215(base-10) base-7: 666 = 342(base-10) base-8: 777 = 511(base-10) base-9: 888 = 728(base-10) base-10: 999 = 999(base-10) base-11: AAA = 1241(base-10) base-12: BBB = 1727(base-10) base-13: CCC = 2196(base-10) base-14: DDD = 2743(base-10) base-15: EEE = 3374(base-10) base-16: FFF = 4095(base-10) In short, base-n: n cubed - 1(base-10)
43 base five = 23 base 10 24 base five = 14 base 10 37 base 10 = 122 base 5
Every base is exactly 90 feet apart from the other, so it is neither further from 1st base to second base nor second base to third base.
2nd base...
A stronger base.
a CGPA Base is a CGPA Base
No,Eno is not a base,but it does contain base.
503 base 10 = 767 base 8 503 base 8 = 323 base 10
121 in base 4 = 16 + 8 + 1 (base ten) = 2584 in base 16 = 128 + 4 (base ten) = 132132 + 25 = 157(base 10) = 9D (base 16) = 2131 (base 4)
Parallelogram = Base*Height Triangle = 0.5*Base*HeightParallelogram = Base*Height Triangle = 0.5*Base*HeightParallelogram = Base*Height Triangle = 0.5*Base*HeightParallelogram = Base*Height Triangle = 0.5*Base*Height
2203 in base 10, converted to base 5 is 323032203 in base 5, converted to base 10 is 303.