

What is cheerful about teacher?

Updated: 12/2/2022
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Q: What is cheerful about teacher?
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How do you use the word cheeful in a sentence?

She's a cheerful, patient teacher who is well liked by all of her students. Mom wakes up feeling cheerful and energetic, but Dad is not a morning person.

What is the superlative of cheerful?

The superlative of cheerful is "most cheerful."

Which is correct-everyone is cheerful or everyone are cheerful?

Everyone is cheerful.

What is comparative and superlative of cheerful?

more cheerful, most cheerful

Sentence with word alacracy?

I think you may mean alacrity, which means cheerful readiness. He hopped to his feet with alacrity when the teacher asked for volunteers.

What is the suffix of cheerful?

Cheering, cheerless.

Use cheerful in a sentence?

Here are sentences with CHEERFUL in it:When I was at the game the people were very cheerful. :)The team was cheerful.I was cheerful after I heard we won the game!Why are people cheerful when something goes good or there way? :)

In miss holly is too jolly who is miss holly?

Miss Holly is a teacher at the school in the children's book "Miss Holly is Too Jolly". She is known for being cheerful and positive, which sometimes overwhelms her students.

What is the comparative degree of cheerful?

more cheerful

What is the abstract noun of cheerful?

The abstract noun form for the adjective cheerful is cheerfulness.The word cheerful is the adjective form of the abstract noun cheer.

What is a noun for cheerful?

The noun for cheerful is "cheerfulness."

What is a good sentence for cheerful?

Her attitude wasn't depressing, but it wasn't cheerful either. The best teachers are patient, creative and cheerful. Our neighbor is a big complainer who is never cheerful and always grumpy. We tried to be cheerful as we visited Dad in the hospital.