Champ Bailey's birth name is Roland Champ Bailey.
Ronald "Champ" Bailey.
Champ Bailey was born on June 22, 1978.
Champ Bailey was born on June 22, 1978.
No, Champ Bailey was never a quarterback in the NFL.
Folkston Elementary Charlton County Middle-High School
Champ Bailey is #24
champ and boss bailey
Currently, no. There was a Champ Seibold (Champ C. Seibold) that played tackle for the Green Bay Packers and Chicago Cardinals between 1934-1942. There was also a Champ Boettcher (Raymond Edward Boettcher) that played running back for the Racine Tornadoes in 1926 and a Champ Henson (Harold R. Henson III) that played running back for the Cincinnati Bengals in 1975. Champ Bailey's given name is Roland Champ Bailey.
NFL player Champ Bailey played for Georgia.
Leonard C. Bailey's middle name was Covello.
No, he is not.