Unneutered male rats are prone to buck grease, an oily orange skin discharge usually caused by an overproduction of testosterone
It is normal for non-castrated bucks to have a yellowy orange grease on their backs, commonly nicknamed buck-grease. This is related to testosterone in the system and is not easy to remove by washing. Bucks seem to vary the levels of buck grease, which is normal, a varied diet can help keep the coat glossy and looking less greasy. Fairy liquid is used for the cleaning of ceramic plates and cups, I am not aware that it has also been formulated to remove buck grease, but what the hell, if the rat dies, thats one less in the world.
The cast of Angel Cake and Axle Grease - 1913 includes: Bobby Burns as Col. Hopkins - the Father Frances Ne Moyer as Betty Hopkins - the Daughter Ben Walker as Buck
buck buck buckaw buck buck buck butter butter
I think its "Bruk it down" by Mr. Vegas!!:)
A buck. The doe is the female deer and the male is a buck.
Buck is the masculine........a male deer (the female is a doe).
Buck Henshaw went by Buck.
AIDS! buck Buck Buck buck- sounds like a truck starting on magnetos in the Winter.
Buck is a homograph because it has two meanings but identical spelling and pronunciation.
Lucas Buck goes by Luke Buck.
Young Buck goes by Buck Marley.
Michael Buck has written: 'Michael Buck'