Micheal Jordan...
Lebron james as of 2011-2012
kobe byrant
Wow we have nice day 50 Cent and Bridman and How are you doing today my name is Mike Larry
Dwayne Wade plays basketball for the NBA basketball team Miami Heat. He went to college at Marquette University and got noticed as a great basketball player so he went on to play in the pros and is one of the best basketball players of today.
Basketball today is not played with peach baskets anda ladder.
PracticeDedication to the cameImproving your skills on the courtLearning from your mistakeWatch some of the stars from today and pick up on what they do like your favorite player watch his or her moves and what they do study them and do them.Hard work and Dedication that basicly all you need to be a better basketball player practice on your shots, defence, vision, basketball IQ, learining all the fundamentals the basics and you will improve on your game.Love the All American Basketball Player Dalvin Jones
Yes, there was. He is rated the best basketball player alive today. (April 8th, 2011) by buck altmeyer 4th grade
The best basketball player that is playing currently is without a doubt, Lebron James. The best retired basketball player is Michael Jordan.
Michael Jordan
David Robinson, of the San Antonio Spurs had collected $7.5 million dollars ( which today is considered low for basketball players, but back then that was a fortune).