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Q: What is ball and stick model of the element RnF2?
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What special information does the ball and stick model of molecule give?

It shows the shape of the molecule

What do the sticks represent in a stick and ball model?

The stick is a bond.

What model of a hydrocarbon shows the geometry of the molecule?

A ball-and-stick model or a space-filling model can show the geometry of a hydrocarbon molecule. Ball-and-stick models represent the atoms as balls and the bonds between them as sticks, while space-filling models show the molecule as if solid and filled the space the atoms occupy. Both models can provide a visual representation of the molecular geometry of hydrocarbons.

What model of a hydrocarbon show the geometry of the molecule?

Ball-and-Stick Model

What special information does the ball-and-model of a molecule give?

The ball-and-stick model shows the shape of the molecule.

Which model of hydrocarbon shows the geometry of the molecule?

the ball and stick model. apex

Which model of a hydrocarbon shows geometry of the molecule?

The correct answer is: The ball-and-stick model.

What is a ball and model?

A ball-and-stick model is a molecular model of a chemical substance, displaying the three-dimensional position of the atoms and the bonds between them.

What is best illlustrated by Watson and cricks ball and stick model of DNA?

Watson and Crick's ball and stick model of DNA best illustrates the double helix structure of DNA, where two strands of nucleotides are wound around each other. This model also shows the complementary base pairing between adenine and thymine, as well as between guanine and cytosine in the DNA molecule.

. In a ball-and-stick molecular model what do the sticks represent?


Why do Ball stick models of atoms have different number of holes?

Ball-and-stick models of atoms are used to represent atomic structures, where balls represent atoms and sticks represent chemical bonds. The number of holes in the model is determined by the valence of the atom, which determines how many bonds the atom can form. Atoms with different valence numbers, such as carbon (4) and oxygen (2), will have different numbers of holes in their ball-and-stick models.

What model of hydrocarbon shows the geometry of the molecule?

Ball-and-Stick Model