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Q: What is awarded for repossession in netball?
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What is awarded for contact in netball?

free pass this is good for the opposition because they get a chance to have the ball

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What is the description of offsite in a netball game?

I think you mean offside. If you do, in netball each position has an area in which they are allowed to go in which is separated but the lines on the court. However if a position goes in an area of the court where they are not allowed, then a free pass will be awarded to the other team

What does a free pass mean in netball?

A free pass is awarded when a play breaks a minor rule. Therrefore the free pass is taken from the same spot as to where the rule was broken.

What happen if a player is offside in netball?

The penalties in netball are contact and obstruction, intimidation also comes under the category of these two penalties.

What is the venue for netball?

you play netball on a netball court :)

Can you get a website with Netball?

You can go onto netball websites like netball Australia and district netball, too.

What equpment do you need for netball?

two netball posts netball pitch one netball two umpires

What happens if the rules in netball is broken?

if it is done to a player a penalty pass is awarded where you have to stand next to the layer you were marking and caused this offence to while they take a pass and you are not allowed to interfere. Footwork and any unintentional minor offences are awarded a free pass which is a normally pass where you can interfere.

What year was netball made?

Netball was invented in 1892 but was called Women's Basketball not Netball.

Is stepping in netball penalty pass or free pass?

A penalty pass is different from a free pass in netball because: A free pass is awarded to the opposing team because the infringement made by the other team only affected one player (stepping, replay, breaking) BUT A penalty pass is awarded to the opposing team because the infringement made by the other team affected two or more players (contact, obstruction)

In netball when is a free pass awarded?

a free pass is given when the opposition preforms a fault on their own such as footwork, throws the ball off court etc.. A penalty pass is given when the opposing team contacts or obstructs a player.