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There is no antonym for pennant

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Q: What is antonyms for the word pennant?
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Is antonyms a compound word?

No, antonyms is not a compound word.

Is synonyms and antonyms are antonyms?

No. Synonyms is meanings of a word where as Antonyms is the opposite of a word

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There are no antonyms for the word 'radar'.

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The antonyms for the word "domestic" are "foreign" or "international."

Sentence with the word pennant in it?

The knights raised their pennant to cheer for the battle which was going on between the cow boys and the redskins.

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The antonyms for complicity are innocence, ignorance, or unawareness.

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Antonyms of vigil are neglect and indifference.

Do the word tall or short is it antonyms or synonyms?

Antonyms of course.

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Antonyms for the word Irascible: cheerful, happy

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Antonyms for the word scuttled: float, rise

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As a noun, there are no antonyms for the word dynamite. As an adjective, some antonyms for dynamite are dull or uninteresting.

What is the antonyms for pemanent?

A couple antonyms for the word permanent is temporary or ephemeral.