Drop batter is batter of such consistency as to drop from a bowl or spoon without running usu. made in a proportion of two parts flour to one part liquid.
Ingredients1 c Bisquick3 tb Cornmeal1/4 ts Paprika1 t MustardPepper 1 Egg1/2 c Milk1 lb WienersMake batter and drop wieners into batter to coat. Drop in hot deep fat and cook until brown. If you have sticks, fasten wieners to sticks before dipping into batter.
Drop batters, such as those used to make drop biscuits, are too soft and runny to be rolled out and thus are dropped from a spoon. I use a large wooden spoon to drop biscuit batter on to the baking sheet, resulting in biscuits about 2 1/2" in diameter and with a more freeform shape than rolled biscuits cut with a cookie cutter.
Drop batters, such as those used to make drop biscuits, are too soft and runny to be rolled out and thus are dropped from a spoon. I use a large wooden spoon to drop biscuit batter on to the baking sheet, resulting in biscuits about 2 1/2" in diameter and with a more freeform shape than rolled biscuits cut with a cookie cutter.
Drop the bat, and start running to first base.
drop of water :)
A donkey drop in rounders is when the bowler bowls the ball high in the air, the ball then drops just as it gets to the batter. This encourages the batter to hit the ball up meaning the fielding team are more likely to get a catch. Hope this helps
Section 6 of the MLB rulebook concerns the batter. There is no clause in Section 6 stating when a batter must drop the bat, nor is there a clause in Section 6 stating that the batter must drop the bat after hitting a fair ball. There might be some obscure clause somewhere else in the MLB rule book that covers this but nothing is found in Section 6. Click on the "MLB Rule Book - Section 6' link below to read MLB written rules concerning the batter.
Drip Drop
donkey is when you bowler bowls the ball high in the air and the ball just drops as it gets to the batter the batter has no choice but to hit it up making it easier for the fielders to catch the ball. glad to help hehehehe
To drop or fall by gravity example: when you fall you. Go down or when you drop something it goes down
The phrase "At the drop of a hat" means to do something immediately or without hesitation. For example, "He would leave for a trip at the drop of a hat."
That if you drop an apple it will fall.