a derby is where two local football teams face each other. i.e. Manchester United vs Manchester City
Matt Darby - American football - was born in 1960.
Kenneth Darby('03-'07)
Darby means to work. The plaster is worked into place, or work the concrete into place, that is why it is called a Darby. I read this in an old English Dictionary about 40 years ago.
English football ties are English football matches
English Football
Koneichiwa Darby-sanHi Darby ^_^ my name is darby
The address of the Darby Library is: 1001 Main St, Darby, 19023 0164
Derby (As in Darby and Joan an old term for a happily married couple) Mike A
Darby Allen goes by Darby Allen.
football as in english
His real name is Rhys Darby. Although his full birth name is Rhys Montague Darby
Darby = Kalepi