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The typical length of the bat for a twelve year old depends on the weight and height of that particular child. My eleven year old hits well with a 28 inch bat and 20 ounces in weight. He is not quite 5 feet tall. So it varies on the child. Each bat has certain specifications and it also depends on the barrel. The one my son has is a 2 1/4 inch barrel. They also have ages on them. This one is for the ages between 7 and 12. So if your child is tall and has fairly long arms then you are going to want him to have about a 30 inch bat and weighing about 24 inches. But again, this varies with each child, get one that he feels comfortable with and doesn't feels like he is going to struggle to get a hit with it. If he feels comfortable with it the probability is better. So there is no typical bat for a 12 year old just make sure they feel comfortable and it meets your leagues criteria for Baseball.

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Q: What is a typical bat length for a 12 year old?
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