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hit it with a normal backhand grip, striking upward

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16y ago
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15y ago

It is used to confuse your oppent. Topspin makes the ball look like it is going fly far long but it doesnt. It has a high bounce that can forse your opent to go behind the baseline.

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16y ago

"Topspin" is a spin that has the ball's "top" spinning **forward**, causing the ball to go down faster.

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14y ago

Toss the ball higher than you normally would and try to get your whole hand on the ball, if not then like a normal hit snap your wrist.

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13y ago

Top Spin Is A Kind Of Spin In Which After The Ball Bounces, The Speed Of The Ball Increases, And Mostly The Ball Never Turns Sideways.

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13y ago

I think you are refering to a Top Spin serve. This can either be a type of Jump serve or normal overhand serve where you snap your wrist. Putting a spin on the Ball

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Q: What is a topspin serve in volleyball?
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Name the two ways to overhand serve in volleyball?

jump serve or topspin serve

What are the three ways a volleyball can be served?

A volleyball can be served in many different ways.(IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER)1. Standing Float Serve2. Jump Float Serve3. Standing Topspin Serve4. Jump Topspin Serve5. Underarm Serve6. "Skyball" Serve (Only used in Beach Volleyball)

How does Kyra Holt in volly ball do her serves?

she does a topspin jump serve

Is out on a serve in volleyball?

i do not understand your question. but you ca serve the ball out in volleyball.

What are the two types of serves called for volleyball?

A topspin serve is where the ball is struck so that it is spinning towards the direction it's hit. a spin like this will make the ball dive and hit the floor.A floater serve is a serve where there isn't any spin on the ball and so it floats and can move in the air unpredictably. hope this helps!

How do you hit a twist serve?

this is not the same as the heavy topspin serve that also goes by the nick name of "Kick" Serve. This question is about the "American" Twist serve.

What does top spin serve means?

A topspin serve in tennis is a type of serve where the player imparts topspin on the ball by brushing upward on the back of the ball at impact. This causes the ball to drop and bounce higher upon landing, making it more challenging for the opponent to return with pace and accuracy. Players use topspin serves to control the placement of the ball and generate more bounce.

Are you allowed to serve with a fist in seventh grade volleyball?

No, you are not allowed to serve with a fist in any level of volleyball.

Can you block a volleyball on serve?


How many different hits are there in the game of volleyball?

if you mean spiking then topspin, float, ding or dump. All the answers -

Are net serves illegal in volleyball?

Absolutely, in fact in volleyball it is the predominant type of serve

Is there a position in volleyball that doesn't serve?

Every position in volleyball does serve. ---- All players rotate a clockwise direction therefore every player will ultimately have to serve