The best example I can give of a 'timed play' is when the pitcher attempts to pick off a runner at second base. The catcher will give a signal, maybe touching his mask or pounding his fist in his glove. This signal means that at the count of two the second baseman or shortstop, whoever has the responsibility of covering the bag, will start moving towards second base and at the count of four, the pitcher will whirl around and throw to second in an attempt to pick off the runner. The pitcher cannot turn around and see that a runner is taking a big lead off of second base and attempt to pick the runner off because the runner will head back to second as soon as he sees the pitcher looking at him. So, a 'timed play' is executed ... the shortstop/second baseman sneaks to the base behind the runner's back in the hope that the runner does not notice and the pitcher suddenly whirls around and throws in the hopes that he catches the base runner off guard.
Usually in the summer or any other time you play baseball or softball.
You play softball in the spring and in the summer!
You play softball in the spring and in the summer!
To play softball
You should play softball if it is a sport that you enjoy.
When going to college and playing softball at the same time, you can study any major and play softball. There is no major restriction if you play a sport. At a lot of schools, it you play sports you get priority registration so that you can work around your practice and game schedule.
girls or men who play softball
softball is a really tough sport if you would not want to get hurt i would inform you not to play, if you play you may get hit by a softball alot, and if you want to play... just be prepared
you play on a softball diamond. lol
Yes you still have time just try your best and you will learn it in no time.
Softball was invented in 1887 but everybody played it. Not until later did mostly women play baseball and men can play softball too.
9 people play on the softball field at once