rooted for, (I'm rooting for the home team!), screamed, ( i was screaming at the top of my lungs in the last quarter, our team was winning!)
cheered on, applauded
Tagalog translation of CHEERED: ipinagbunyi
The verb is cheered, past tense of the verb to cheer.
The past tense of "cheer" is "cheered." Cheered. = )
Yelled and cheered are the verbs.
Yes, the word 'cheered' is the past participle, past tense of the verb to 'cheer', a word for an action. The past participle of the verb is also an adjective. Examples: verb: The daffodils you sent cheered mother and made her smile. adjective: The cheered patients appreciate the visits of the service dog.
The word elated is the past participle, past tense of the verb 'elate'; The past participle is also an adjective, 'The elated audience cheered'.The noun forms of the verb 'elate' are elation and the gerund, elating.The noun form of the adjective elated is elatedness.
The crowd cheered loudly as their favorite runner ran past the finish line. Her smile cheered me right up.