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a reseeem of sporting activities

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Danious Molocca

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Q: What is a sporting provision?
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Related questions

How does provision affect participsation in sport?

If you have to travel half way across the country then you will be less likely to participate/continue to participate in that particular sporting activity. If however, that activity was on your doorstep there is a greater possibility you will participate in that sport.

What is the entry of tds provision?

For a provision you initially debit cost and credit provision. When the provision is released you debit your provision and credit cash. The provision should be adjusted to present value on your balance sheet.

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Is shanghai is a provision of china?

It is a city not a provision.

How old do you have to be to get provision license?

You have to be 34 to have your provision license.

Which provision adds an unpopular provision to a popular bill that is likely to be passed?

A rider is a provision that is added to a popular bill. Usually the rider is for a provision that on its own would not pass.

What is the definition of universal provision?

A universal provision is something that is offered to everyone. For instance, if a service is offered to the entire population it may be called a universal provision of that service.

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