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a Baseball bat ?

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Q: What is a short heavy stick or club?
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A short heavy stick a club?

Yes, or a cudgel

What is the bat police carry called?

Police carry a short, heavy club commonly known as a "Billy Club"

What is the homograph of club?

Oh, dude, a homograph is a word that is spelled the same as another word but has a different meaning. So, like, the homograph of "club" could be like a place where people hang out or a tool used for hitting things. It's like a word that's a total chameleon, changing its meaning depending on the context.

What do you mean by bludgeon?

A short heavy club, usually of wood, that is thicker or loaded at one end

What does cudgel mean?

Cudgel: (n.) a heavy stick or club (v.) to beat with a cudgel, (v.) to beat with a hand or instrument.

What does bludgeoning mean?

bludg·eon (bljn) n.A short heavy club, usually of wood, that is thicker or loaded at one bludg·eoned, bludg·eon·ing, bludg·eons1. To hit with or as if with a heavy club.2. To overcome by or as if by using a heavy club. See Synonyms at intimidate.

What is a cadgel?

Cadgel is not a word.A cadger is a person who gets something for free. A cudgel is a short stick or club used as a blunt weapon.

What is the proper definition for truncheon?

A truncheon can be defined as a club or a thick heavy stick used to beat or push. This word is considered somewhat archaic in today's modern world however.

How do you use the word club in a sentence?

That stick would make a good club.

What is a short military stick?

swagger cane/stick

What is a name for a large heavy stick?


Can you change your name on Club Penguin?

no you have to stick what you have