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a set is when the setter pushes the ball high to the hitter so they can hit it

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Polly Nitzsche

Lvl 10
3y ago
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14y ago

1. The set is usually the second contact that a team makes with the ball. The main goal of setting is to put the ball in the air in such a way that it can be driven by an attack into the opponent's court. The setter coordinates the offensive movements of a team, and is the player who ultimately decides which player will actually attack the ball.

As with passing, one may distinguish between an overhand and a bump set. Since the former allows for more control over the speed and direction of the ball, the bump is used only when the ball is so low it cannot be properly handled with fingertips, or in beach volleyball where rules regulating overhand setting are more stringent. In the case of a set, one also speaks of a front or back set, meaning whether the ball is passed in the direction the setter is facing or behind the setter. There is also a jump set that is used when the ball is too close to the net. In this case the setter usually jumps off his or her right foot straight up to avoid going into the net. The setter usually stands about ⅔ of the way from the left to the right of the net and faces the left (the larger portion of net that he or she can see).

2. A set is a part of a game. A game in adult tournaments is normally played best of 5 sets, one must gain three to win. In many settings, especially with youth, best of 3 sets is played. A normal set is played to 25 (or 30 in many mens' games), but in the case of a tie, the last, "decisive" set is played to 15 points. In every case a set must be won by 2 points, which may reslut in final scorings like 33-31. In modern Volleyball each ball gives a score to one of the the teams, not depending on serving side, but the serve continues with the the team that scored a point last.

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13y ago

A set is a type of pass, Not a bump, but an overhead pass. You spread your fingers apart, put both hands together making a little triangle window. Put your hands above your head but not extended, then when the ball comes extend your arms, pushing the ball to the hitter. Hope that helped!

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13y ago

There are 2 sets unless each team wins one set, then there is an additional set to determine who wins.

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13y ago

It's a tennis match, and a track meet.

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16y ago


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If your asking if its IN or OUT. its IN

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