Professional journals give a few paragraphs as an abstract of an article.The abstract artwork was bright and interesting.
Our teacher taught us the difference between abstract and realism in art.
Beauty is an abstract noun.
It is hard to fit "abstract" into a compound sentence, be careful when you do so!
The nouns in the sentence are value and time.
The abstract nouns in the sentence are idea and problem.
The abstract nouns in the sentence are education and defense.
Example sentence for the abstract noun 'courage':I do not have the courage to tell lies.
The metadata should include an abstract of the article.
The abstract nouns in the sentence are:justiceprincipledemocracyAll of these nouns are words for concepts. There are no concrete nouns in the sentence.
In the sentence, 'You hope you are not late.', there is no abstract noun.In the sentence, 'They did a good job planning the party.', the abstract nouns are job and party.
An adjective is a word that describes a noun or a verb. An example of a sentence that uses the word "abstract" in a sentence as an adjective would be: It is difficult for children to fully comprehend many abstract ideas.
After his brain injury, he had trouble processing abstract ideas.
what are the abstract nouns in this sentence the birds live in their habitat with no fear