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A scorpion is quite hard to do because you need to do a lot of stretching and you need to be very flexible. You need to have good leg and back flexibility. Since fliers always fly on their right leg, you must learn how to do a scorpion on your left leg. Grab your left ankle with your left hand and start to pull your leg up as if doing a scale. Once your left arm is straight, reach across with your right arm and grab your ankle. You will then be in a scorpion

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āˆ™ 14y ago
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āˆ™ 16y ago

well there is different ways you can stretch for a scorpian.. one way is to take a belt, and put the buckle around your foot. then take the other end of the belt and lift i over your head, bringing your foot up with it. you can also check into buying a stretcher, i don't know the exact name for them, but i see them at my cheer competitions all the time.

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āˆ™ 16y ago

do u want to do it in a stunt or just on the ground? either way you haveto have a flexible if ur doing it on the ground practicing for a stunt stand on ur right leg and reach for ur left leg with ur left hand make sure it is turned like ur want to take somthing behind u(bend at ur elbow so ur palm is facing ur shoulderthen bring ur leg up and grab it with that hand) then bring ur arm and leg up and behind andgrab ur foot with the other hand. ideally ur heel would be just aboveur head and rite behind. hope i helped

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āˆ™ 14y ago

There are many different stretches for different parts of the body. For example to stretch your back, you can either rock on you back then push up to bridge, and return to rocking again. Or doing a technique called 'snoopy sniff'.

Also when doing such stretches, eg japana, lumberfold/pikefold, bridge. It is good to work with a partner as they can help you to stretch a bit further than your natural and comfortable position!

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āˆ™ 15y ago

A scorpian is where someone gets up in a full-extension (where your holding a person all the way up in the air with your arms straight.) and she gets her foot and puts it to her head.

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āˆ™ 10y ago

Bridges. Do a split and reach for your back leg. Seal stretch. Etc.

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Q: What is a scorpian in Cheerleading?
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