

What is a red leaf maple?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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Q: What is a red leaf maple?
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What is Canada's symbol?

The maple leaf is the official symbol of Canada. The beaver is also a common national symbol of Canada.

What does the maple leaf represent?

== == The Red Maple leaf is similar to the Silver Maple leaf(which is a simple leaf), so I'd say that it's a simple leaf. it is a simple leaf

Does Canada have national leaf?

the (red) maple leaf

What does the red maple represent on the Canadian flag?

The maple leaf on the Canadian flag represents the nature and environment of Canada. The maple leaf is actually a sugar maple leaf, which turns red in autumn/fall. The number of points on the leaf has no significance. The Canadians wanted to replace the British flag quickly when they became independent, so they came up with the (autumn) red maple leaf to represent the nature of Canada.

Where is the origin of the red maple leaf?

its boring

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Why is the Canadian flag red and white also why is the a maple leaf?

Red and white are Canada's official colours. The Maple Leaf is Canada's national symbol.

What is the name of the natural symbol that is found on the red and white Canadian flag?

The natural symbol on the red and white Canadian flag is the maple leaf.

What type of maple leaf is used on Canada's flag?

The maple leaf on our flag is considered to be a stylized version of the red maple. It was designed by Jacques Saint-Cyr. A true red maple leaf actually has serrated edges and pointed sinuses (the parts between the points). It actually incorporates the style of a sugar maple with the smooth edges and rounded sinuses.

What do the colors of the maple leaf stand for?

red yellow

What is the colour of the maple leaf on the Canadian flag?


What is Canada's National Flag?

a red maple leaf