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Q: What is a personification and alliteration for the topic volleyball?
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What is My life is a dream is that a personification or alliteration?

"My life is a dream" is an example of personification, not alliteration. Personification is giving human characteristics to non-human things, while alliteration is the repetition of initial consonant sounds in neighboring words.

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When you feel like something does it mean personification alliteration or onomatopoeia?

The feeling of something is not specifically personification, alliteration, or onomatopoeia. Personification gives human characteristics to non-human things, alliteration is the repetition of the same consonant sound, and onomatopoeia imitates sounds. The feeling of something is more related to emotions or sensations.

What is personification for sunlight?

Personification for sunlight would involve describing the sunlight as if it were a person with human qualities, such as "The sunlight danced across the meadow" or "The sunlight embraced the world in its warm glow".

In this excerpt from Because I could not stop for Death Dickinson uses in the phrase gazing grain Select all that apply alliteration analogy dissonance personification?

The phrase "gazing grain" contains alliteration and personification. It is an example of alliteration because of the repetition of the "g" sound, and personification because it gives human characteristics (gazing) to the grain.

Is the phase when the winds blow a personification a alliteration a hyperbole or a metaphor?

The phase "winds blow" is a personification because it attributes human-like qualities (the ability to blow) to the winds. It is not alliteration, hyperbole, or a metaphor.

What does the figure of speech time stood still mean?

Alliteration and personification

What are the devices use in the poem eg personification?

personification, enjambment, use of grammer (such as commas), rhyming structure, assonance, alliteration.

What poetic devices are used in Inchcape Rock?

alliteration,personification metaphor and similie

What are 4 examples of stylistic devices?

Alliteration, personification, irony, metaphor, onomatopoeia etc...

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simile,metaphor,personification,hyperbole,alliteration and irony

Poetic devices in music of the night?

I found simile, metaphor, alliteration, personification, and imagery