"A foreign recruit who has represented his country in any of the continental championships like the European Championship, Copa America, African Nations Cup, Asian Cup, or Fifa World Cup will be called a marquee player," the AIFF has said.
You just go <center> <marquee> I <3 ... .......... </marquee>
the codes is [marquee]a few words[/marquee] try this one [marquee=alternate]blah blah blah[/marquee]
There are four different marquee tools.
Marquee Cinemas was created in 1979.
Winter Marquee was created in 2002.
Marquee Club was created in 1958.
The Black Marquee was created in 2009.
<marquee direction="left">Text Here</marquee>
The TImes Square marquee
Marquee Moon - song - was created in 1977.
<marquee> YOUR TEXT </marquee> make it pretty! (:
By using, in its simplest form, <marquee> and </marquee>. A quick Marquee guide - http://www.htmlcodetutorial.com/_MARQUEE.html