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His description was very Abstract. I love abstract images.

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15y ago

Engineers are logical but some artist and writers use abstract paintings or words.

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Q: What is a good sentence with the word abstract?
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How do you use abstract in a sentence as an adjective?

An adjective is a word that describes a noun or a verb. An example of a sentence that uses the word "abstract" in a sentence as an adjective would be: It is difficult for children to fully comprehend many abstract ideas.

Is good an abstract noun?

Yes, good is an abstract noun as a word for the character or quality of someone or something that is good; something conforming to a moral order; a word for a concept.Example sentence: We must fight for the common good.The abstract noun form for the adjective good is goodness.NOTE: The plural noun, goods, is a concrete noun as a word for manufactured articles or products.

Does this sentence contain an abstract noun you hope you are not late. they did a good job planning the party?

In the sentence, 'You hope you are not late.', there is no abstract noun.In the sentence, 'They did a good job planning the party.', the abstract nouns are job and party.

How could you use the word abstract in a sentence?

Bob was a big fan of abstract art.

Is good an abstract noun if it's give a sentence?

The noun 'good' is an abstract noun as a word for the character or quality of someone or something that is good; something conforming to a moral order; a word for a concept.Example sentence:We teach children how to behave for their own good and the good of others.NOTE: The plural noun, goods, is a concrete noun as a word for manufactured articles or products.

Can you make a sentence using the word figurative?

Abstract or Literal

Where is the abstract noun in the following sentence you have faith in God?

The noun faith is an abstract noun as a word for belief; a word for a concept.The noun God is an abstract noun as a word for a non-physical entity; a word for a concept.

How do you use the word abstract in a sentence on a ninth grade level?

The abstract concept of the drawing added interest to the discussion.

What is the abstract nouns in the sentence The invistigation is over?

The abstract noun is investigation, a word for a systematic study or a formal inquiry.

Which word in this sentence is an abstract noun I firmly believe in honesty?


Example of sentence with one concrete noun and one abstract noun?

Example sentence: Curiosity killed the cat.curiosity is an abstract noun, a word for a desire, an is a concrete noun, a word for a physical creature.

What is abstract noun of adjective good?

The abstract noun form of the adjective 'good' is goodness, a word for a quality.