We will classify this new species as a mammal.
How do you classify this, Mister Burns?
you can not classify this. How can you classify them?
I had to classify the evidence into certain groups.
Let's classify some of these samples.
to tell what the angle is
She can classify any room! Let's classify these examples, then break for lunch.
Please classify this document as illegible.
Our teacher told us to classify the 112 elements.
Joe classifed the books by subject.
They explain how to classify the objects introduced in the topic sentence into smaller groups, or they list the parts of the item introduced in the topic sentence.
dichotomous keys can be used to classify a series of animals
Botanists could not agree on how to classify the newly-discovered plant. The army decided to classify the project as top secret. Doctors classify a minor scalding as a first-degree burn.
You find things easier