I usually base my nicknames on looks and the summery of the pokemon. I named my mudkip Muddystars. For treeko i would do Leafyslash and so on.
It is a good team, especially when you have Mudkip. When you vs Diagla at the end make sure your Mudkip knows Mud Slap because it is Super Effective against Diagla.
a fire type
Mudkip or Bulbasaur or Charmander!
No a Mudkip is a fish.
Yes and No it madders if you are good with fire and water types if you know everything that is supper and not very affted agenst mudkip and Charmander. No because Mudkip is only afftive to some of the masters in the game and charmander is only afftive to some 2.
If you like 'Nan' as a nickname, then yes, it is a good nickname.
Mudkip due to the fact most gym leaders (and the first one) can be defeated by ground/water (mudkip and evolved form's types)
Pokemon advanced episode 300 - a mudkip mission go to pokemonepisode.org for every Pokemon episode in good quality for free
You have to get a mudkip and breed it
ash never catches a mudkip he catches a treeco but Brock catches a mudkip
Mudkip had its debut in Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire.