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Q: What is a good free throw chant if you miss it?
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What is the probability that a 42 free throw shooter will miss the next free throw?

There is a 58% chance they are going to miss.

What is the probability of a 33 percent free throw shooter missing 3 in a row?

You want the probability of miss and miss and miss which is .67 * .67 * .67 = 0.301.

Did wilt miss a free throw in collage?

Wilt Chamberlain was a two-time All-American at the University of Kansas. However, he was not the greatest free-throw shooter, making just 61.9% of his free throws for his two varsity seasons at Kansas.

Are you more likely to swish hit off backboard or miss on a free throw in basketball?

hit off backboard

How many free throws did Shaquille O'Neil miss in his NBA career?

kareem had a free throw percentage of 72 %, he also had the highest amount of points ever, 33,387.

How many free throws do you get in college?

The same as everywhere else. 2 for a 2 point field and if you miss the shot. 3 free throws for a 3 pointer and if you miss that shot. 1 free throw if you're fouled and you make the shot. 1 or 2 free throws on technical fouls/flagrant or intentional fouls

What is the probability that a 41 percent free-throw shooter will miss her next free -throw?

If she is a 41% shooter she will probably score a goal 41 times out of a hundred, but she will probably miss the other 59 times out of a hundred. So the probability that she will miss is 59 out of 100 = 59% = 0.59

Can a jump shoot be taken when shooting a free throw?

I think jumping would help when shooting a basketball, you should really jump if your short >_<

Why does it always say not centered when you shoot a free throw in NBA2K10?

Because when you are moving the analog stick you have to do it straight up and down so when he shoots it it will not miss left or right but will be in the center.

Why a good spear fisher would not throw his spear where he sees a fish?

It is called refraction. When light passes from air to water, it bends. The fish is not where you see it. If you throw your spear at the IMAGE of the fish, you will miss the fish. And go hungry.

What happens if a defensive player deliberately fouls a player whilst shooting in the key?

they get 2 shots from the freethrow line if they miss and 1 shot if they make it (:

Does fat free Swiss miss have calories?

Yes. Fat-free Swiss Miss has about 50 calories for a serving.