Pitcher > twitcher
Catcher > scratcher
1st, 2nd, 3rd Base > chase, race, ace, face
Shortstop > nonstop, belly flop
Left, centre, right fielder > yielder
"The poet entertained the crowd with a hilarious limerick about a mischievous leprechaun."
An ode is a long poem. A limerick is always 5 lines with a particular rhyming scheme (AABBA).
5 lines in a limerick (type of poem...)
A limerick is a five-line poem that consists of beats.
Dublin is a city in Ireland and also the title of a famous poem by Louis MacNeice. The poem reflects the poet's complex feelings towards his birthplace.
A limerick is definitely creative writing because it is a kind of poem.
nothin much
a limerick
The limerick is used for humorous rather than lyrical purposes.