A cowboy is called cowboy in French if you are talking of Western movies. Technically a boy working in farms is called "un employé de ferme", "un garçon vacher" if he is looking only after cattle.
the proper translation of cowboy in French would be "garçon vacher", but anyone says 'cowboy', especially when talking of American ones.
Cowboy is the same in French as in English.
A cowboy from Mexico is a vaquero.
The cowboy from toy story is called Woody.
des bottes de cowboy.
A Stetson (if it *is* one), or sometimes a "ten-gallon hat" or just a "cowboy hat."
Du calme, du calme.
A female cowboy is called a 'cowgirl.' Both names originated from originally men who herded cattle, but now women have gotten into the ranching business.Plus, in Spanish, a cowboy is a "vaquero", but a cowGIRL is a "vaquera".