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Basketball sneakers and some knowledge of them, athletic wear, loves of Nike, adidas and to the more knowledgeable ballers, REEBOK.

usually short hairstyle, fast hands,good at catching and throwing stuff a mid range distances.

like throwing things(like bottles, remote, trash, paper crumpled balls) behind the back or shooting them from a distance to a target(usually a trash bin).

now some US cities only cuz of they have a team in the nba (portland, orlando, Memphis, Indiana, like those unpopular cities outside of U.S.)

has clean fancy shoes thaat make squeeky noises and apparently takes care of them and uses them STRICTLY indoors.

usually has or owns a basketball.

has a mini hoop or toy hoop at home.

has at least one basketball jersey.

talks about and argues about basketball team etc.


and thinks they are better than anyone who doesn't look like a baller at basketball.

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Q: What is a distinctive marker of basketball subculture?
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What do you think about subculture?

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