George Curvier
Catastrophic theory of the solar system suggests that major disruptions or events in the past, such as collisions or close encounters with other celestial bodies, played a significant role in shaping the current structure of our solar system. This theory contrasts with the gradual, slow processes of traditional solar system formation theories.
The deluge fossil formation theory, also known as the catastrophic burial theory, suggests that fossils are formed rapidly through catastrophic events like floods. This theory is supported by evidence showing that many fossils are found in sedimentary layers, suggesting sudden burial. However, while this theory is accepted in some cases, the process of fossilization can also occur through gradual processes like sediment accumulation and mineral replacement.
The extrinsic catastrophist theory of comets suggests that comets originate from outside the solar system and are responsible for catastrophic events on Earth, such as mass extinctions. This theory proposes that comets carry organic materials that may have influenced the development of life on Earth.
It's another word for catastrophic. It's another word for catastrophic. It's another word for catastrophic.
Catastrophic, calamitous.
The main principles of the contingency theory is that no organization, regardless of how big or organized it is, can come up with a proper predictor of what might happen in the future accurately which is why contingencies should always be put in place in case of catastrophic events.
Lyell's theory, known as uniformitarianism, proposes that the Earth's landscape is shaped by slow, gradual geological processes that have been occurring over long periods of time. This contrasts with the earlier catastrophism theory, which suggested that the Earth's features were primarily formed by sudden and catastrophic events. Uniformitarianism has had a significant influence on the development of modern geology.
The catastrophic storm resulted in millions of injuries and deaths.
You spelled it correctly, catastrophe (calamity, disaster).
The 2012 phenomenon was a belief that an apocalypse would occur in 2012, based on interpretations of the Mayan calendar. However, this theory has been widely debunked by experts as a misunderstanding of Mayan culture and history, with no scientific evidence to support any catastrophic events in 2012. It is now considered a myth.
The ozone depletion will be catastrophic. It is because it will cause human race to extinct.