Steak in French is still steak. Le steak = the steak un steak = a steak du steak = some steak
Sport: baseball Band: Switchfoot Food: Steak Color: Blue
Outside skirt steak is tougher than inside skirt steak.
If the steak has lines of fat, it is called mabled steak and it is a better tasting steak than those with none.
The motto of Mr. Steak is 'America's steak expert.'.
A slice of beef, broiled, or cut for broiling; -- also extended to the meat of other large animals; as, venison steak; bear steak; pork steak; turtle steak.
An Oscar steak is a steak that has crab meat layered over it.
the steak was delicious.
Steak is not wood it is meat
steak is nonliving
It is a steak in the shape of a pie