The model 6079 OTASCO rifle, was made by Marlin, and is identical to the model 60 Marlin, except for the OTASCO commemorative markings, and less expensive birch stock. These models run concurrently with Marlin model 60 which sell in the $100-$125 range, if in excellent condition.
50-300 USD, 12 gauge pump
Marlin made these. That brings the value up. Sold my last one to a collector (Marlin) for about 950. It was old but mint and a great shooter
50-150 USD
100-300 USD
The model 120 originally sold for $150. One that is in mint condition will bring about $275. However, if you also have the MXR 40" barrel, it alone is worth about $200.
marlin 12 gauge bolt action goose guns sell for about $200 in great condition
what is a. jc Higgins pump shot gun. model 20-12 gauge worth??
50-250 usd
100-1000 USD
What is a 12 gauge pump 102.25 worth