The Macdev clone is the newest marker from the Macdev company. This spool valve style gun boasts 1700 shots per tank fill, a quiet system, and a custom milled body. The clone is looking to hit shelves November 2009
The macdev cyborg is the first "closed open bolt system marker". Basically the standard open bolt is covered decreasing the spray affect and making it much quieter. The Cyborg is a prominent marker in paintball
The Macdev Droid is Macdevs premier spool valve marker. This marker boasts a 1200-1500 shot count per 68cu 4500 fill. A light build, and easy to maintain bolt system. Though it is rather expensive, it is one of the best markers in the business.
the man owns the clone
Clone commando
clone. Clone is the answer!
No, it is not currently possible to create a clone of a clone. Each clone is a copy of the original organism and does not retain the ability to reproduce on its own.
Its Better To Be A Clone Commander
I would clone myself
yes. just go to professor clone and he will clone them for you.
No you would not get hurt.
I would clone myself
You cannot clone in TPMRPG.