a le bero is someone who wears a special colored jersey and can go in the back row ONLY without being subbed in
A el Volleyball se le conocia como:Voley-playa...no estoy seguro......mmmmmmm
Se escribe "burro".
Burro-noun A donkeyA sentence using burro-I rode my burro to the general store.
le volley-ball (masc.)
Burrai is the plural of Burro.
le football (or 'le foot'), le handball (or 'le hand'), le volleyball (or 'le volley'), le golf, le rugby, la gymnastique, la boxe,
The plural of burro is burros.
My humble burro is at your service, ma'am. Please put the burro in another corral.
The burro that appears in the episode "Three Boys and a Burro" was named Pepe.
A burro is the Spanish name for donkey, a mule is a hybrid offspring of a donkey and horse.
no, mi burro: no, my donkey
"Donkey" in Portuguese is "burro".