A 4-3 defense is a defensive front that consists of 4 defensive linemen (typically two tackles and two ends) and 3 linebackers.
Where college football players perform physical and mental tests in front of National Football League coaches, general managers and scouts.
A defensive player who lines up behind the defensive linemen and in front of the defensive backfield. The linebackers are a team's second line of defense.
The front four of the Steeler's Steel Curtain were: * "Mean" Joe Greene - defensive tackle * L.C. Greenwood - defensive end * Ernie Holmes - defensive tackle * Dwight White - defensive end Use the link below to surf over to the Wikipedia article on this slice of football history.
As a defensive measure, in case the front trench was overrun.
White power, Or groups that have problems with other ethnicitys BNP (British National Party) EDL (English Defense League) NF (National Front) MDL(Muslim Defense League) - No it's not a joke Lots more but there the main ones
When a football player passes the ball to one of their team-mates and the receiving team-mate is in front of the last defender on the opposing side.
Jewish National Front was created in 2004.
The National Front Disco was created in 1992.
National Social Front was created in 1997.
National Social Front ended in 2008.
National Patriotic Front was created in 1969.
National Patriotic Front ended in 1971.