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you mean like when the move there hands in a circle?

if so it means traveling which they moved their piviot foot with out dribbling the ball.

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Q: What is a 'roll' in basketball?
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you turn your self into a ball and roll up to someone

What are three basketball plays?

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Can a player roll the basketball on the floor?

A player can actually roll the basketball too another player. You often see this on an out-of-bounds play when one team doesn't want the clock to start right away.

Why do basketball players roll the basketball on the inbounds?

To save time as the clock doesn't start until someone touches the ball.

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Field goal Zone Pick and Roll Which sport uses all these terms?

Basketball If you don't believe me google it !

Does a rubber basketball roll farther than a leather one?

never! they both have the same mass.

Does a basketball roll faster on a smooth surface or a rough surface?

A basketball will roll faster on a smooth surface due to less friction compared to a rough surface. The rough surface creates more resistance, slowing down the ball's movement.

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Strategies-use plays. Some simple plays are Screen, Pick and Roll, Isolation etc.

Things that are round that start with r?

· roulette wheel · ring · record · rim (basketball) · roll of paper towels

Are there any rock and roll cheers?

We rock it to the right And roll it to the left R H S Is the best! Or Richland Cheerleaders Are the best! Or Richland basketball Is the best! Change it up to fit your needs :)